In this article, we will see the Cross-Cultural Communication in different technique. One of them is Total Immersion Technique is a swimming method applied by a Japanese man, Shinji Takeuchi. The main purpose of this method is to enable the swimmers to move in the water in most effective way. In this technique, it is important to maintain a certain speed by focusing on balance and preserving the energy. The characteristic of the Total Immersion Technique which distinguishes it from other swimming methods is that it is not only used as the swimming practice but also a means of self-realization.
Takeuchi’s story is quite different from the other common success stories. 1965-born Shinji Takeuchi is not a professional swimmer, he also does not compete in swimming competitions. Takeuchi who learned swimming in his childhood decided to swim regularly at the age of 37 because his doctor said that he should start to do sports for losing weight. In the beginning, the life of Takeuchi who could not swim longer than 15 minutes has changed after meeting with Total Immersion Technique. With this technique, he swims along with the water, not against it. He focused not on his speed but on his swimming technique. He achieved his purpose thanks to this swimming style and he succeeded in losing 18 kilogram. Takeuchi has been teaching other people what he knows about Total Immersion Technique and works as a swimming coach.
On the other hand, Alexander Popov won four Olympics, three World and eleven European championships in 50 and 100 meter freestyle swimming by applying Total Immersion Technique. This technique is even named as the Popov technique now. But lastly Professor Rein Haljand, an Estonian swimmer, is the one who has been promoting this technique in different parts of the world and has got the attention from many amateur and professional swimmers across Europe and Asia.
For having a social environment and being approved, you should stick with the norms of that environment. However, they are not always parallel to our own cultural background. This is especially seen in multi-national companies because they have different business methods in different countries. For this reason, running and managing a multi-national company needs special attention and support in vision and strategy. In order to establish proper communication and to carry on the business properly, you need to have an understanding about the business culture of your employees from different countries.
Creating a common business culture is extremely essential for managing a multi-national company successfully. This does not mean that a business style should dominate one another. The companies which have different business cultures and methods in locations can turn this diversity into an advantage. They can spread the best practices to the whole company by using the techniques just in the same way as in the example of Total Immersion Technique.
Mentorink provides a platform that enables organizations to initiate cross-cultural mentorship programs with best-in breed structure and guidance materials. This can enable your employees in different countries and cultures to learn from each other in an informal way, that afterwards would be very helpful to establish healthy relationships and communication channels between cross countries and entities. For more information, please contact us and our team can guide you best according to your specific situation and needs.
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