Streamline Your Onboarding Process with Our Unique Program

Accelerate the integration of new hires and foster a welcoming culture with Mentorink.

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Our Onboarding program is designed to accelerate the integration of new hires into your organization. We help new employees understand the culture, values, and expectations, fostering a welcoming environment and a smooth transition.


Benefit 1

Accelerated Integration

Accelerate the integration of new hires into your organization, reducing the time to productivity.

Benefit 2

Cultural Understanding

Help new employees understand the culture, values, and expectations, fostering a welcoming environment.

Benefit 3

Smooth Transition

Ensure a smooth transition for new hires, reducing turnover and improving employee satisfaction.

Magna International is the largest automobile parts manufacturer in North America, which supplies automotive systems, assemblies, modules, and components to leading car makers globally.

It employees 158,000 people in 342 manufacturing operations and 91 product development, engineering and sales centres in 27 countries.

Preparing your future leaders by developing key skills

  • Magna uses Mentorink to prepare their future leaders by providing them the opportunity to gain key skills.
  • High potential employees in pre-manager roles get paired with senior leaders across the business and work on key soft skills to prepare them for future leadership roles.
Jennifer CasselGlobal Director, Talent Magna

Mentorink provides us with a one-stop-shop that unlocks a new exciting development experience.

A new must-have for HR 🛠️

Realise your organisation’s full potential
through smart mentoring activities

Do You Have any Questions?

How does the Onboarding program benefit our organization?

The program helps to streamline the integration of new hires, reducing the time to productivity. It also helps new employees understand the culture, values, and expectations, fostering a welcoming environment and a smooth transition.

How are mentors and mentees matched in the Onboarding program?

We use a comprehensive matching process that takes into account the skills, experience, and learning objectives of both mentors and mentees. This ensures a productive and beneficial relationship for both parties.

What support is provided throughout the Onboarding program?

We provide continuous support throughout the program, including regular check-ins, feedback sessions, and resources for both mentors and mentees. We also provide program managers with regular updates and insights into the progress of the program.

How do we measure the success of the Onboarding program?

Success can be measured in various ways, including improvements in time to productivity, cultural understanding, and the overall growth and success of your organization.

What resources are needed to implement the Onboarding program?

The resources needed can vary depending on the size and needs of your organization. However, at a minimum, you will need to allocate time for mentors and mentees to meet regularly, and resources for program management and support.

How do we get started with the Onboarding program?

To get started, simply get in touch with us through our contact form or call us directly. We’ll discuss your organization’s needs and how our Onboarding program can help meet them.