How to Develop Mentoring Culture in the Workplace 

How to Develop Mentoring Culture in the Workplace 

Mentoring culture in workplace provides resources for personal and professional development and improves mental health. It also supports new and current employees, motivates the team members and boost employee morale and productivity. 

Nowadays, when people are more career-oriented, developing a mentoring culture in organizations is crucial to keep the employees active and motivated. Mentoring has been recognized to have a positive impact on the development of employees and has influenced the learning of many.  

We have listed some ways to develop a mentoring culture in your workplace; scroll through and look! 

Ways to Develop a Mentoring Culture 

Developing a mentoring culture is neither an easy task nor does it gets developed overnight. Its development requires the support of experienced staff and a lot of time and effort. Here are some of the ways you can consider when creating a mentoring culture: 

1. Get Senior Leaders and Management on Board 

Having your management and leaders back you up throughout the process of promoting the mentoring culture will set an example for the rest of your company. This, as a result, will compel other members of your organization to participate and promote mentoring. 

2. Marketing Mentoring 

Conducting informative sessions and webinars, distributing support material and engaging employees in daily discussions about mentoring will increase awareness. Moreover, the colleagues will learn more about mentoring through daily debates and discussions. Therefore, these discussions will market the concept of mentoring within your organization amongst all your employees.  

3. Embed into Onboarding

You can support your new team members by embedding mentoring into your onboarding procedure. It will provide the new joiners with a point of contact. The new staff members will have support from someone from the organization and this will help them to adapt to the new work environment more easily. Mentoring also offers them a great training and learning environment besides helping to establish good relationships with current employees. 

4. Tailor Mentoring to Suit Staff Goals 

Knowing what kind of support and development members of your organization need will help you determine the mentoring you should initiate. Understand their goals and requirements, and discuss the mentoring your colleagues would like to have. There can be a situation where some of your staff require one kind of mentorship, but the other part requires a different type. In such cases, tailor your mentoring process to suit their needs. 

5. Make Mentoring Accessible 

One way to cater to the mentoring needs of everyone in your organization and create a mentoring culture is to use an online mentoring platform. This way, all the members of your company will be able to access mentoring whenever they need it, and it will reduce the hustle of manually planning and managing a mentoring process. In addition, you can also benefit from the convenience these platforms offer. For example, you can run multiple programs alongside each other, and identify the best possible matches among your workforce via multiple matching types with smart algorithms. Finally, you track the performance of your mentoring program through insightful reporting systems. 

6. Praise Any Success 

Celebrating the efforts and achievements of your employees during the mentoring processes motivates them, which leads to higher productivity and the promotion of mentoring culture. In addition, when you praise your employees, you encourage and inspire them to strengthen their goals.  

Bottom Line

Mentoring supports and encourages personal and professional growth, and improves the employees’ mental health. If your company is ready to invest in mentoring, invest in a mentoring program, as it will be worth it. Developing a mentoring culture will lead your organization toward success. An organization with a mentoring culture believes in its team’s development and inspires the members to work with unity.  

We hope that the points we mentioned above help you develop a mentoring culture in your workplace

If you want to learn more about mentoring and how mentoring can be used within your workplace, request a free demo from Mentorink today. Mentorink is an award-winning online mentoring platform that enables organizations to start and run smart mentoring activities at scale in a very effective and efficient way. We are helping thousands of individuals and organizations across the globe fulfil their mentoring needs. 
